
We in the Anglican Parish Of Kingscliff [APOK] believe that baptism is instituted by Christ and is essentially a free gift of God, linking the baptised person with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for sins pardoned and abundant new life. Also, we accept that Baptism as the basic link of the unity and community that is provided by the faith in the same Lord.

If you are an adult and are interested in being baptised into the Anglican Church we would love to hear from you. Please contact the parish office on the phone number below.

If you are making an enquiry regarding the services we offer for your child; there are two quite different services we provide.


A service of Thanksgiving – for those seeking a blessing without the commitment of belonging to the church community. This is normally held during a church service. It is not a membership service and you make no commitments to God and the church. It’s a ‘thank you’ to God and prayer for you and your child. Please apply directly to the Church Office if you would like a Thanksgiving service. This service is also appropriate when the baby and parents live elsewhere but the extended family lives locally.
If you would like to connect to our church community on a deeper level then Baptism could be for you. Because we want to have integrity in what we do, we require that parents wanting their children baptised in our Parish, to regularly meet with us and learn about what it means to become a healthy, mature Christian. To some this may seem a temporary inconvenience, but to us building a relationship with Jesus has eternal significance. So if you want your child to be Baptised and so made a member of the Church, come and join us to share the journey of faith.

Parents seeking baptism for their children are invited to contact the Parish Office to make a time to discuss and plan for the Baptism. We count it a privilege to encourage families in the journey of faith with us.

APOK church office: 02 6674 1513